Quick Chicken and Polenta: Recipe 5 of 12
Welcome to Busy Women Mealtime Makeover! Whether you are one of the lovely busy ladies participating in the makeover or just interested in taking your meals up a notch – girl, do I have some rockin’ recipes for you! From now until June 1st, I’ll be featuring twelve new delicious makeover-friendly recipes. This week, we are focusing on eating more dark, leafy greens. (And if you want to join in and get the entire makeover PDF complete with meal plans, shopping lists and recipes, videos and photos of me cooking, weekly emails with additional recipes and kitchen tips and tricks and access to our online forum, you can totally start a few days late – click here and sign up!)
Now, here is a dish that will allow you to cook, clean up and eat all under an hour! Nice, right?! This recipe comes from my friend Monica who was craving chicken and polenta the other night and said, “What the heck? I will put them together!” Well, it turned out to be a fabulous, quick dish that she wanted to share with you.
Monica, why do you make healthy, real food a priority in your life?
Healthy eating is a major priority in my life because I grew up eating not so healthy. Think pop tarts and corn dogs! Gross! So, now that I’m in my 30’s I believe that you are what you eat and I want my body to perform at its best. Plus I want to pass on these teachings to my family and friends. Not only does the food need to be healthy, but it also needs to be cost effective. I don’t have time to be shopping for expensive, hard to find ingredients and I don’t have time to be making difficult time consuming recipes. You can make a healthy and low cost meal that tastes great!
What is your favorite thing to make during the spring months?
My favorite thing to make in the spring time is anything in season and fresh. I love making shrimp ceviche and tacos are my “go-to” meal. It takes me less than 30 min to whip up some black bean tacos.
What is that one thing that busy people can do this spring to eat a little healthier?
I think the one thing people need to do this spring is to visit your local farmers markets!! Buying local is so great for our local farmers and I just love the upbeat atmosphere of my farmers market. Music, people, dogs, babies, and wonderful food everywhere!!
What is your favorite gadget in the kitchen?
My most favorite kitchen gadget is my garlic press. I know, really fancy, right? I can’t stand mincing garlic!! One too many nicks on my fingers I think. I also love my microplane grader! Super easy to use for garlic and ginger when I make a stir fry.
Quick Chicken and Polenta
2 chicken breasts
2 tbls olive oil
1 teas basil
1 teas oregano
1 teas rosemary
1 small onion, chopped
8 tomatoes, chopped
3 cloves of garlic, minced
1/2 teas salt
1/2 teas pepper
2 cups of kale, chopped
2 cups mushrooms, sliced
1-2 cups broccoli as a steamed side or you may add to the chicken mix.
1/2 cup instant polenta
2 tbls Parmesan cheese
In a large saucepan heat the olive oil over medium heat. Slice up your chicken and add it to the oil seasoning the chicken with salt, pepper, basil, oregano, and rosemary. Let the chicken create a nice sear, about 3 minutes, then stir chicken around. Next add the chopped tomatoes, garlic, mushrooms, broccoli, and onions. Cover and let the chicken simmer over low/medium heat for about 25 minutes. Check the chicken and perhaps S&P to taste. I always add my kale in last to make sure it doesn’t overcook and turn brown.
When the chicken is nearly done start the instant polenta. It should only take 5 minutes. In a small pot add 1/2 cup polenta and 1 cup water and stir. If you think it’s getting too thick add more water.
Place polenta on the plate and add the chicken veggie mix on top of it. Add Parmesan cheese and enjoy!

Visit Monica over at http://monica-delgado.healthcoach.integrativenutrition.com/ and sign up for her newsletter.
**Check out all the Busy Women Mealtime Makeover recipes by clicking here.**