Keep it all in perspective
Motherhood is tough work but we have to keep it all in perspective because it is always changing. What we think is stressful now will not seem so bad in years to come.

There is no denying how tough it is during these early years of raising kids. However, it is so worth it. Plus, every hard stage is just that – it is a stage. It will go away and you may even miss it. My Madilyn used to fight sleep with every fiber in her being. Now, at age 6, she tells me when she is ready for bed at night. Wow.
Plus, these experiences teach us lessons. They show us that we can handle these trying times. We are stronger than we think. It gets better and everyday you become more and more of a motherhood expert.
There really is no one perfect way to raise children. It all comes down to relaxing about it all, not worrying about what others are doing, trusting your gut and going with the punches. Sure, there will be hard times. There will also be amazing, wonderful times too. These are the moments that make you fall in love with your role as a mother. Fall in love so hard that you even decide to do it all again and have more children.
Remember, they are still learning. These children of ours are still finding their way in this world and they totally are trying to see what they can get away with. They are curious. They want to take chances.
How do you try to keep all the craziness in perspective?
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There is no denying how tough it is during these early years of raising kids. However, it is so worth it. Plus, every hard stage is just that – it is a stage. It will go away and you may even miss it. My Madilyn used to fight sleep with every fiber in her being. Now, at age 6, she tells me when she is ready for bed at night. Wow.
Plus, these experiences teach us lessons. They show us that we can handle these trying times. We are stronger than we think. It gets better and everyday you become more and more of a motherhood expert.
There really is no one perfect way to raise children. It all comes down to relaxing about it all, not worrying about what others are doing, trusting your gut and going with the punches. Sure, there will be hard times. There will also be amazing, wonderful times too. These are the moments that make you fall in love with your role as a mother. Fall in love so hard that you even decide to do it all again and have more children.
Remember, they are still learning. These children of ours are still finding their way in this world and they totally are trying to see what they can get away with. They are curious. They want to take chances.
How do you try to keep all the craziness in perspective?
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