Regular dates with your partner
Regular dates with your partner is crucial for a successful marriage and it completely makes you a better mother. Brian, my hubby for 11 years, makes dates a priority.

“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” – Author Unknown
Brian and I are so fortunate that both of our parents live close, want to be involved in our lives and the lives of our kids AND are willing to babysit (for free!) and give us a break pretty much whenever we want. I know, we are LUCKY and we donʼt take it for granted.
When Madilyn was really little I was so scared to leave her with anyone – even my own mom! I was a brand new mom with a Type A personality – I like things done my way especially when it comes to my baby. Therefore, Brian and I didnʼt take advantage of all the free babysitters we had available as much as we could have. When Juliana came around, I changed! I realized that I am a better work-at-home-mama if I get out of the house regularly, and have frequent dates with my husband. So, Brian and I try to have a “date” every week. Recently, for the first time ever, we left the girls for “5 sleeps” with Brianʼs parents and went on an adult only vacation to Puerto Rico. I missed the girls but for the first time in years, I felt like myself. It was amazing and I highly recommend it if you can pull it off. We made sacrifices financially with other things this year because we knew it was healthy for us and for our marriage. We hope to do this every year!
“A great marriage isnʼt something that just happens; itʼs something that must be created.” – Fawn Weaver

“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” – Author Unknown
Brian and I are so fortunate that both of our parents live close, want to be involved in our lives and the lives of our kids AND are willing to babysit (for free!) and give us a break pretty much whenever we want. I know, we are LUCKY and we donʼt take it for granted.
When Madilyn was really little I was so scared to leave her with anyone – even my own mom! I was a brand new mom with a Type A personality – I like things done my way especially when it comes to my baby. Therefore, Brian and I didnʼt take advantage of all the free babysitters we had available as much as we could have. When Juliana came around, I changed! I realized that I am a better work-at-home-mama if I get out of the house regularly, and have frequent dates with my husband. So, Brian and I try to have a “date” every week. Recently, for the first time ever, we left the girls for “5 sleeps” with Brianʼs parents and went on an adult only vacation to Puerto Rico. I missed the girls but for the first time in years, I felt like myself. It was amazing and I highly recommend it if you can pull it off. We made sacrifices financially with other things this year because we knew it was healthy for us and for our marriage. We hope to do this every year!
“A great marriage isnʼt something that just happens; itʼs something that must be created.” – Fawn Weaver

Healthy Date Night Ideas:
- Instead of going out to eat, send the kids to grandmas, and make a healthy dinner together – with wine! There is something very romantic about cooking together.
- Take the kids with you to the gym and drop them off at the daycare. Workout with your hubby and then go to the hot tub!
- Schedule a couples massage.
- Host a game night with some friends.
- Learn something new together. Take a class. Learn how to mountain climb or take a cooking class.
- Go listen to live music and dance. Live music does a body good!
- Go see a stand up comedian. A night full of laughter is so great for mama stress.
- Can’t get a sitter? Put the kids to bed early and have a date night at home.
Do you make dates a regular occurrence? Does it help you be a better mama?
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