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Busy Women Mealtime Makeover: May 2013

Spring is so close I can taste it. Let’s get cooking. May 2013.

I can’t wait until Spring arrives. I gave birth to Juliana in November so of course I would like to lose a few pounds. We have ordered take-out our fair share. We have survived on scrambled eggs some days. Also, just like our homes, our food needs a spring cleaning. Want to get back in the kitchen and cook real food? Time to get your butt back in gear. New recipes. New ideas. Interested? Keep reading. 

With the right food… anything is possible.

I’ve been there – no idea how to cook, living on Lean Cuisines, Diet Coke and Starbucks. My husband used to do ALL the cooking – when we cooked at all. I woke up. I took control of the meals and I gotta say, I figured out a way to make delicious, cheap and quick meals that everyone loves – yes, even my husband AND 3-year-old. I have saved money, lost weight and feel fantastic! After many emails and Facebook messages asking me “How do you find the time to cook with a toddler?” “How do you make all those meals that you show on your blog?” I’m happy to announce we’re going to rock it out together. I will show you how. You and me my friends. Interested? Keep reading.

Sick of eating the same darn thing every week? Sick of eating out? Want to move past the frozen pizzas and microwave dinners? Want to cook once and eat twice even three times? Want new ideas for quick, delicious, mouth-watering and healthy meals? Feeling overwhelmed with making dinner? Stuck in a rut?

Girl, you need a makeover and I’ll help you rock it!

We’ll cook together for one month. You cook in your kitchen. I cook in mine. We will cook 3 new meals a week. Nothing crazy. All recipes will have 6 ingredients or less. All ingredients will be able to be found at your grocery store. Nothing weird. I will supply all the recipes and shopping list. I will give you ideas for leftovers and meal pairings. I will introduce you to simple, fast and affordable meals that you and your family will love and will come back to time and time again. We’ll chat online through a group forum. I will guide you every step of the way with detailed step-by-step directions and photos and videos of me cooking the recipe. At the end of the month, you will have a new repertoire of recipes to add to your cooking library. You will have a newfound confidence in the kitchen making healthier dishes!

Are you ready?

For busy women who need an uplift – with their food

Too busy to cook? I totally get it. Life is crazy. Getting a healthy meal on the table tends to be put on the back burner. Enough of that. Cooking doesn’t have to be hard. I will show you how to make it easy and even fun. We will cook recipes with 6 ingredients or less. Yeah baby. Turn on your burners and let’s cook!

Cooking evaluation upon enrollment

What are you making now? What do you like? What do you like but your husband hates? Do you have kids who are picky eaters? What are you sick of eating? What is quinoa? No clue how to cook greens? No idea how to cut up a butternut squash? Need new ideas? Know how to cook but sick of eating the same things? Sign up now and start thinking about where you are stuck when it comes to meal planning, preparation and cooking. Once you sign up, the evaluation will be emailed to you. Share your answers with me for personal one-on-one support. Soon, you will be movin’ and groovin’ in the kitchen!

Meal plans, shopping lists, recipes and leftover ideas

Leave the planning to me. For one month, I will do it all for you. You have enough to do. Well, you do have to do the cooking. That’s the point. Everything will be emailed to you in advance. Don’t like something on the plan? No worries. I will provide alternatives. How does that sound? No more mealtime stress or kitchen crazies. Whew.


Detailed instructions, photos and videos of meal preparation

Sure, anyone can pull a recipe off of the web. I’ll take it up a notch for you and document myself making the recipe and share it with you. Step-by-step photos and video will be provided for you for added support. I will give you tips and tricks that have saved me time and money.

24/7 support via private Facebook group

You will have access to a group of busy women offering their cooking experiences and support. Talk out kitchen fears, share frustrations, offer your experience and create some rockin relationships. I will be there to help every step of the way.

What can I expect?

We will cook together (virtually of course) for 4 weeks. We will make 3 meals together each week. That is 12 meals we will rock out in a month. Even though we will be in different kitchens, we will meet back up online and share our experiences. Meal plans will be provided complete with detailed cooking instructions, 6 ingredients or less recipes, shopping lists, and leftover ideas. By the end of 4 weeks, you will have a new repertoire of amazing meals to go to when life is insane!

What will we make?

Don’t worry. You won’t be eating just tofu and seaweed. We will be making real meals. You can totally do this.

 Ok, cool. How does it work?

The cooking evaluation will be emailed to you as soon as you sign up. You will also have access to the online forum immediately. I will be hanging out there for support. Four meal plan packets will be emailed to you, one for each week of the makeover. You will have a few days to get to the store and buy groceries before we cook for the following week. You will make 3 new meals a week. So, no worries if you like to eat out somedays. You totally can!
Below is the schedule:

Don’t worry, this is meant to fit into a busy schedule. You’ll cook 3 new easy recipes a week and can participate in our online forum as much as you want. This program is designed for busy women so don’t stress. You will be able to cook the 3 new recipes whatever days you desire that week. I’ll let you know what days I will be cooking each recipe if you want to follow along with me! I’ll be hanging out in the forum to provide encouragement and support for all of you. Even if you work outside the home, this program will totally work for you. I will show you how to cook once and have awesome meals to take to work. Oh, and don’t worry. You won’t need any special equipment – just old fashioned pots and pans, a spatula and a knife will do just fine!

Girl, get a makeover! You deserve it!

This makeover runs from May 6th – June 2nd but you can sign up now and get early access to the online forum. This Mealtime Makeover is limited to 30 busy women, so save your spot now, OK?
All yours for only $24. Early Bird special until April 20th. Regular price $69. Click the Buy Now button to reserve your spot.

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  1. I LOVE THIS IDEA!!! You are so amazing Betsy:) My question…will you be offering this again in the future. I would love to sign up but with moving it’s not the best time. Hope you’ll have other online classes. Can’t wait!!! Your work makes me SMILE:)

    1. Chaley, moving is a perfect time to do this! Fresh start. New beginning. I’ll be with you every step of the way. Easy recipes. Leftover ideas. Cooking once and eating twice even three times. You make me smile too! You can do this. 🙂

  2. I seen this on Michelle Wrights fb page and I loved the idea..The only issue is the money,I am disabled(due to heart problems)and its hard to make ends meet.I hope you do well with this it sounds like a great idea..

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